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If There Isn’t Enough Light for You
If there isn’t enough light for you,
take me.
That I may be night, a night that burns away
to bring you day.
And if there isn’t enough love for you,
take me.
I will dig out the pupils in the eyes of the night
that you mirror a star and shine.
If there isn’t enough hate for you,
even then, take me.
Hell is weaving beneath my heart
a hell for all eternity.
If there isn’t enough light for you,
take me.
But if there isn’t enough me for you,
what am I to you?
Except that I gaze at you endlessly,
except that I burn away.
Ацо Шопов, Гледач во пепелта, 1970
Translated by Rawley Grau and Christina Kramer, 2022

Автограф на песната „Aко ти недостасува светлина”од Ацо Шопов, со потпис од авторот. Автографот се наоѓа во Фондот Ацо Шопов во Архивот на МАНУ: АШ К1 АЕ32