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Aco Šopov: Books translated into other languages
Aco Šopov was the first Macedonian writer to be translated into Slovenian, one of the three languages of the former Yugoslavia: the controversial book Merge with the Silence, published in Skopje in 1955, was published in Ljubljana in 1957. He was also the first to be published in a non-Slavic language, Hungarian, in 1964, and the first to be published in a language of wider communication, Russian, the same year.
Books of Šopov’s poetry have also been published in Arabic, English, French, German, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Serbo-Croatian and Spanish, while selections of his poems have appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines in these same languages, as well as in Belarusian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Malay, Slovak, Turkish and Ukrainian.
During his lifetime, he published ten collections of selected poems in foreign languages, the number of which has been steadily increasing since his death in 1982.
More detailed information about them can be found in the multilingual bibliography of translated books. The information is by default given in the language in which the book has been translated. For some books information is available in several languages.
In English, an extensive selection of Aco Šopov’s poems was published in October 2023, to mark the centenary of his birth, by Deep Vellum, USA, under the title The Long Coming of the Fire. We owe the English translation to Christina E. Kramer and Rawley Grau.
Šopov’s poems have been also published in various anthologies in English, including the following ones:
- An Anthology of Modern Yugoslav Poetry in English Translations / Janko Lavrin.- London : John Calder, 1962.
- A texte-Book of the Macedonian Language / Krum Tošev and Dragi Stefanija.- Skopje : Matica na iselenicite od Makedonija, 1965.- 185 p.
- Reflexions of pain and Unsubmissiveness : Selection of Macedonian Poetry from the Early Beginnings to Our Day.- Skopje, 1972
- Introduction to Yugoslav Literature : an Anthology of Fiction and Poetry / ed. by Branko Mikasinovich, Dragan Milivojevich and Vasa D. Mihailovich.- New York : Twayne, 1973.- 647 p.
- Contemporary Yugoslav Poetry / Vasa D. Mihailovich.- Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1977.
- Reading the Ashes : an Anthology of the Poetry of Modern Macedonia/ Milne Holton, Graham W. Reid.- Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1977.
- Evenings of Macedonian Poetry : Days of Macedonian Culture.- Skopje : Republic Commission for Cultural Relations of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, 1979.- [68] p.
- White stones and fire trees : an Anthology of Contemporary Slavic Literature / Vasa D. Mihajlovich.- London : Associated University Presses, 1977.
- To Struga with love / Stanley H. Barkan.- Merrick – New York : Cross cultural Communications, 1978.
- Longing for the South : an Anthology of Contemporary Macedonian Poetry / Sitakant Mahapatra, Jozo T. Boškovski.- New Delhi : A. K. Dash, Prachi Prakasan, 1981.
- Macedonian Poetry / transl. N. Kuhner, G. Reid.- Aligarh – India : Editor Baldev Mirza, 1983.
See also
Original collections by Šopov
Books translated in Macedonian by Šopov
Books about Šopov
A selection of his poems, writings and interviews, as well as of articles about his poetry is available in the Reading Room.