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“Thoughts”, drawing by Roman Kissiov, Bulgarian writer and painter, translator of Aco Šopov’s poetry.
Notes Section
This small section of the Reading Room of Aco Sopov’s Lyrical House contains a choice of quotations from the Macedonian poet’s interviews or articles.
- Assuming poetic fatalism exists, I am one of its most devoted followers. (1960)
- Poetry is beauty’s youth, thirst for beauty, right to beauty, illusion. (1960)
- To find the right word in poetry, is to find the best way for the poem to address contemporary man’s preoccupations. (1960)
- I aspire to a certain perfection of form in harmony with the poem’s content. (1965)
- The path to the poem is torturous. What appears as poetic illumination is actually the result of a long and complex process that brings both experience and reflection […] The poet’s greatest challenge and the greatest moral responsibility is to find the right words for the contents and ideas he wants to express in an authentic and inimitable way. If he fails, the poem is pulled out of joint and the word becomes a lie (1968)
- I consider my poetry to be both experience and the expression of a synthesis between love, earth and passion. (1970)
- Poetry requires individuals with integrity. That is to say: there can be no creation without ethics! Comfortableness, conformisme, means the death of creation. (1972)