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Aco Šopov’s live and work in the 1950s – Timeline

1950: Aco Šopov is appointed Editor-in-chief of Future, a magazine of literature and art for young people. Publication of the collections On Mount Gramos and With Our Hands.
1951: He founds and directs the Kočo Racin Publishing House. Publication of his translations of Ciciban, by Oton Župančič, and Lay of Opanas, by Édouard Bagritski (the latter, in collaboration with Slavko Janevski). The magazine Nov den (New Day) gets a new look. It becomes Sovremenost (Modern Times), under Šopov’s leadership.
1952: First stay in Paris. Publication of the collection Verses of Sorrow and Joy, which provokes virulent controversies about Šopov’s intimism and divides Macedonian writers into two opposing camps.
1953: Publication of Ivan Krylov’s Fables, translated by Šopov.
1954: His translations of Poems by Jovan Jovanović-Zmaj and Telegraphic Fables by Gustav Krklec are published.
1955: Publication of the collection Merge with the Silence. The controversy continues. Publication of a collection of twelve French stories translated by Šopov.
1956: Šopov becomes the first editor-in-chief of the literary magazine Horizont.
1957: Šopov’s collection The Wind Carries Beautiful Weather, his collection in Slovenian Zlij se s tišino (Merge with the Silence), and his translation of Cyrano are published.
1958: Publication of The Cid by Pierre Corneille, translated by Šopov.
1959: Publication of Poem for the Lark by Grigor Vitez, translated by Šopov, and of the Anthology of Yugoslav Revolutionary Poetry, which Šopov co-edited with the Bosnian poet Mak Dizdar. He is awarded the 1941 Partisan Commemorative Medal.

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