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A Poetry Projected into the Universal*
by Edouard J. Maunick
Aco Šopov’s poetry, deeply rooted in his Macedonian homeland, is, in equal measure, projected into the universal.
I say that Aco Šopov is an island, because his poetry – the only moments I have had with him, since I never met him in his lifetime – conceals the two fundamental traits of insularity: solitude and openness. It is largely for this reason that I feel close to him, I mean to his way of understanding and expressing both the everyday and the eventful, the country of his birth and the world.
* Extract from a text written in Skopje in April 1992, at the time when the tenth anniversary of the death of Aco Šopov was commemorated. Published in French as an afterword to Aco Šopov’s Personal Anthology (1994) under the title “A Silence that illuminates”.
To hear Edouard J. Maunick speak on Aco Šopov’s Personal Anthology, in 1994, click here (French and Macedonian)